Toulouse métropole

La Halle de La Machine is managed as part of a public service delegation granted by Toulouse Métropole to the La Machine Toulouse association Law 1901.
Nos veritable godmothers and godfathers
Our sponsors are companies that support the artistic activity of the Halle of La Machine through donations in cash or in kind. The commitment of our Veritable Godfathers and Godmothers enriches our economic, cultural and social dynamics in the region. Thanks to their support, we are building together a unique and unifying project, creating emotions and imaginations for everyone. We thank them!

Winland is a unique Chinese real estate development company headed by Adam Yu. Adam Yu is a lover of the arts and more particularly European art. He is the patron and owner of the Long Ma Jing Shen Horse Dragon since its creation in 2014, on the occasion of the anniversary of the reestablishment of Franco-Chinese diplomatic relations. Building on his long collaboration with François Delaroziere and the Company La Machine, Adam Yu has decided to become a Veritable Grand Godfather of the Halle of La Machine. We sincerely thank him.

Petzl designs tools and solutions to enable sportspeople and professionals to work day and night in high-altitude environments.
Become a sponsor of the halle de la Machine
Downloadable presentation document to become a godfather of the Halle of La Machine
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